Who We Are
About IQ Energy Australia
IQ Energy Australia provides affordable modular advanced thermal treatment technologies that convert difficult waste streams into resources. We are technology providers who train your operating team or suggest third party operating teams familiar to us to operate the units as part of your project. We hold the licence for the Asia-Pacific Region for the Canadian, IQ Energy Inc., technology.
At the heart of our business is providing solutions to businesses and communities that make a positive impact socially, economically and environmentally. Our aim is to accelerate the region’s evolving Circular Economy through collaboration and to have a positive impact on many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing local issues with local solutions.

Our Technologies
IQ Energy Australia supplies carbonisation (gasification & pyrolysis), indirect dryer and energy generation units. These units have a lifetime of 20+ years and are moveable over that time to ensure they do not become stranded assets. Our units are manufactured, transported and delivered onsite within 10-12 months and can be easily integrated into current site layouts due to their compact footprint. All IQ Energy units are a heavy-duty mechanical design suited for harsh environments. The units also have exceptional accessibility and visibility for easy maintenance.
By processing waste on-site, the units help in reducing odour and noise, as well as the cost and environmental impact of transport and disposal. IQ Energy’s thermal treatment units, gasification and pyrolysis, have emissions controls built-in to it to ensure only safe and clean resources are produced with negligible emissions. All units are highly automated with the ability to be controlled by a smart device via satellite and they have a user-friendly digital PLC interface which allows simple control with the ability for remote data support and assisted monitoring. This highly automated process increases the efficiency and safety of waste processing and mitigates risks around staff shortages and knowledge loss from individuals leaving an operator’s business. Automation also ensures emergency procedures are built into the programming and the operators do not need to be high-skilled engineers as training and support can be provided by IQ Energy.
We aim to not see waste as waste, but instead see waste as valuable resources. Resilient end markets with future proofed supply chains need to be the focus for all businesses and local governments as continuous challenges arise and pressures from communities for trusted solutions continue to mount.
Utilising IQ Energy’s units presents unique scalable solutions to address concerns around risk, climate and cost.
Our Story
IQ Energy Australia was founded in 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. The vision of Redeeming the World’s Waste TM, originated from seeking to find a technology solution to provide to local operators for the growing dirty and mixed plastic waste problems in remote, regional, and urban contexts and that would be viable not just in high income but in low to middle income countries as well. Much of the plastic waste in low-, middle- and high-income countries is being burnt, landfilled, or lost to the environment. We recognised this issue and wanted to source a solution that does not need costly and resource intensive solutions to extract the value out of these wastes but could instead circulate their value and at the same time have multiple benefits for the local community. There followed a worldwide search to seek out a technology solution that could put value on the various problematic waste streams out there and that could get where the local waste problems were to stop them from entering our environment. After searching for several years, we were introduced to IQ Energy Inc., led by Darrell Ford in Alberta, Canada. His team has had several decades of experience in advanced thermal treatment technologies, like gasification, building over 35 industrial scale plants, prior to forming IQ Energy Inc.. Their genius was to bring the technologies down to modular, scalable, and standardised pieces of technology that we are bringing to the region.
Together our two businesses work closely together to continue developing the various Scalable Modular Advanced Thermal Treatment (SMATT TM) technologies that we offer. Our motivation remains to provide technologies to not only high-income countries, but also financially viable solutions to operators in low to middle income countries. Extending the original IQ Energy Australia vision of redeeming waste further has been the applications of SMATT TM to the treatment of biosolids and other biomass wastes. In the near future, IQ Energy Australia will also be supplying a novel heat to power unit that will be focused on Powering the Circular Economy TM.
Our Canadian Partners
IQ Energy Australia is partnered with IQ Energy Inc. (www.iqenergy.ca). IQ Energy Inc (IQ Energy) is an Métis-led company based in Alberta, Canada. IQ Energy have significant experience with drying and thermal treatment technologies. They are the developer and manufacturer of the IQ Energy Technology and have built into the units their decades of experience with material handling and efficient biomass processing.
Prior to forming IQ Energy Inc, the founding team built more than 30 infrastructure size plants across North America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Please reach out to find out more about these legacy work case studies.
In addition to a wealth of experience in the design and operation of thermal treatment technologies, the team has also been actively engaged in the manufacturing process. This positions IQ Energy in the industry, with the unique ability to assess the logistics of projects for clients, design whole turnkey systems ideally suited for these scenarios, and carry out complex manufacturing work to ensure that each system meets all necessary requirements.
At this stage, all IQ Energy units will be manufactured within Canada. We look forward to bringing manufacturing of units for local projects to Australia in the future
Legacy Projects
Prior to forming IQ Energy Inc., the technology developers were active in developing biomass thermal treatment systems throughout North America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They were involved in operating or building 30+ carbonisation projects. Their team has more than 30 years of experience in the carbonisation field & worked with a wide range of challenging feedstocks.
Some of the legacy project feedstocks included biosolids, various animal manures (e.g. poultry, cow and pig manure), waste plastic and wood waste.
The right map shows the approximate geographic and numerical overview of the legacy work the technology developers of IQ Energy worked on in carbonisation projects globally. To learn more about these legacy examples please reach out and we would be happy to assist you,.
UN Global Compact
Since 2021, IQ Energy Australia has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.